Written By: Michael D. McClellan | Picasso once said that where others have seen what is and asked why, Picasso himself saw what could be and asked why not. He backed up this bold proclamation by ripping apart conventional art and giving us the jaw-dropping Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. Gone were the whimsical figures and haunting […]

Written By:  Michael D. McClellan | His arrival in Boston coincided with that of a certain shot-blocking, game-altering, paradigm-shifting center named Bill Russell, his considerable basketball talent overshadowed by the dazzling ball handling of fellow Holy Cross alum Bob Cousy and the dead-eye marksmanship of the gifted Bill Sharman.  There would soon be other marquee […]

Written By: Michael D. McClellan | Rich Manley is going places, and he wants to take you with him. The more remote the better. He’s made his way through land as flat and featureless as a page without words, he’s scaled the Peruvian Andes at altitude, and he’s chopped his way through jungle so dense […]

Written By: Michael D. McClellan | Psst. Nik Wallenda has a secret he wants to share. The record-setting daredevil, who has thrilled millions with his white-knuckle treks across the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and – wait for it – an active volcano, found himself at a crossroads after an eight-person pyramid collapse injured five, including […]

Written By:  Michael D. McClellan |   He is born to run, and for 16 seasons John Havlicek is an unyielding force of perpetual motion for the Boston Celtics, breaking down defenders and NBA records alike, winning eight NBA championships, first as Sixth Man extraordinaire, and then as an All-Star standout in the waning years of […]